The title of this blog reflects our mission in life: heaven. It is a difficult journey that requires faith and stamina. Have you ever done a cardio workout on the stair-mill? It's like trying to go up the down escalator. It really takes a lot of effort to get to the top, but it's worth it. Your body is healthier for it. The same can be said as we make our way to the top of the stairwell to heaven. It's a long and arduous trek, but our soul is better for it.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I love it when a good plan comes together!

My A-team doesn't look as rough around the edges as the fellas in the photo, but they have certainly risen to the occasion. (Man, I used to love that show!) Our first week of homeschooling was better than I could have imagined. Yes, there were a few tears. Thankfully, no one cried at the same time. They took turns having meltdowns, which kept it from being overwhelming to me. It will be an adjustment, but I can already see them taking advantage of working at their own pace. They are motivated to get the work done and all of the quizzes and tests at the end of the week proved that they are doing well. When they finished their studies, they had plenty to do. Evie started some sewing projects and Magnus did some painting. Justus is learning that he can't be the center of attention forever and will play quietly at our feet while we work. Friday, we took a spontaneous field trip to the Gifford Pinchot National Forest and picked enough wild blueberries for a pie. We just up and left at 11:30 am!

 I have a tremendous sense of freedom and peace that I haven't felt to this degree before. Today is Saturday and I spent most of the day cleaning and organizing. I noticed that even as I did a small bit of yard work, the simple sights of flourishing plants and the lovely speckled chickens roaming freely in the backyard made my heart even more at rest. I know, I know. I must be "part of this world, but not at home in it." That is one of my favorite quotes from the Vatican II document, Sacrosanctum Concilium. (That is the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and a must read if you want to know what Vatican II really says.) It is a constant reminder to me that no matter how much I am enjoying life, I must always remember that my sights should be focused on getting myself and my family into heaven. The temptation of loving this life on earth is so great at times. I will try to savor these moments, but never forget that what our heavenly Father has in store for us, is beyond what I can ever experience here. I will admit, that truth is far beyond my frail comprehension, but then my unfaltering faith must take over and lead me on. Yes, Lord, I want to be like your humble servant, our Blessed Mother, Mary. I accept what You have in store for my family and I. I will treasure each day and strive for holiness. Let Your will be done and please help me to always recognize Your voice and Your call as I work through each day. Please give comfort to those who are sick and suffering and finding life difficult and burdensome. Help them recognize the love and mercy that You are trying to pour into their hearts. And, of course, thank You, from the bottom of mine.

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